A Willet gives me the slip.

This is a location I don't often go. A small stream and riparian zone meanders across a mile of salt flat on its way to Great Salt Lake. The stream emerges just downhill from a large mining tailings pond, so I avoid getting my skin wet at this location by wearing waders or a dry suit, unless it's super hot, in which case I go somewhere else. I found an interesting spot as the sun went down and laid myself down to see what would happen.
Things happened. A pilgrimage of geese walked a mile across the sand to settle in the reeds. Snowy Plovers flew in and out. They might have been hiding chicks somewhere. A triplet of American Avocets and a pair of Willets jostled with each other, alternately feeding, mating, and squabbling. A pack of paramotors roared low over us and flushed all the birds a few times (I helpfully gave them the bird), and I was surprised to see the number and variety of species that were hiding in there.
Eventually the sun set and peace was restored and the birds crept back in. I like this image because the reflection of the Willet is murky, but still more clear than the bird itself.